Over the past two decades, there has been a very dangerous teaching circulating within the Church. The teaching claimed that when a person is saved, he/she can never lose their salvation.In other words, the teaching says: ‘Once saved, always saved’. To even amplify that idea, many preachers even went on saying that: ‘there is no amount of wrong actions that will make a saved person lose their salvation’. In other words, if Brother X is saved and if he engages himself on a spree of murders and rapes, Brother X will still go to heaven (according to those preachers). Whenever you hear or read a Bible message from someone, always be like the Bereans who examined the Scriptures to confirm whether Paul’s messages were Scriptural. Let us examine a statement that many preachers have preached: ‘Once saved,always saved’ That statement is not in the Scriptures. First of all the statement stating ‘once saved, always saved’ is not in the Scriptures. There are no verses stating such a slogan. Simpl...