If you take the time to read the Forbes list of the richest people at global or national level, you will notice that there are very few Christians.

And even if there are Christians, those rich Christians are mostly found at the bottom of those lists. Even the majority of top politicians (e.g: presidents, prime ministers, MPs, senators, Judges,etc..) are not Christians. Most universities have the same issues as well: ‘the most brilliant professors and chancellors are not Christians.’

Surprisingly, till the 1960’s, many of the richest people on Earth were Christians.

However, as the years went by, Christians were no longer featured among the top richest and top influential people. I will explain why.

Towards the 1990’s and the 2000’s, the Church discovered a side of God that was not really preached in the previous decades. During the 90’s and the 2000’s, the Church embraced a new understanding on the ‘Grace teachings.’

Grace is a good thing. Unfortunately, some preachers took the teaching on Grace to the wrong extreme. The wrong extreme on Grace was telling people that ‘Grace can be a license to sin and a license to do nothing’. It even got so bad to the point where the word ‘works’ was seen as the most disgusting word.

Through the teaching of Grace, we know that we are saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus and not by our own efforts or works (ref. Ephesians 2:8-9)

Salvation is free and we cannot work to obtain the free gift of salvation. Besides salvation, the Holy Spirit and the ‘first measure of the Holy Spirit’s gifts are free’. However, many other things in Christianity are not free.

Unfortunately, during the 2000’s many preachers preached the passage of Ephesians 2:8-9 as a blanket statement for every other topic in life such as provisions, ministry, career, marriage (Christians have the biggest rate of divorce because they don’t want to work on their marriage), parenthood (this explains why many Christians took a step back from the educational system in many Western countries. Those Christians thought the education system did not need any work from them), on finance (Christians are broke because they think that they do not need to work…)

As a result of the wrongly taught passage on Grace, the Church does not have enough leaders in the top echelon of politics, business, science, music, sport, academia, etc..

Proverbs 10:4 states: ‘ a slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.”

Nobody gets to the top without being diligent. And even if a person inherits a large inheritance, that person will have to work hard at maintaining it.

As a result of the laziness displayed by many Christians, the Church is at the back of almost every industry. There was a time when the Church would carry a serious influence on the world. Nowadays, Christians are very good at only picketing and marching in the streets when something offends the faith.

Christians should also be seated on the decision tables so that institutions can reflect the light of God instead of the darkness of the world.

Let’s all go to work and let’s all work diligently.